Computation of NLC, meteor or satellite altitude above ground

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East longitude is positive, west negative
North latitude is positive, south negative
Azimuth: N=0°, E=90°, S=180°, W=270°

Observer 1

Long ° ' "
Lat ° ' "

Observed feature
Altitude ° Azimuth °
---- or ----
RA h m s
Decl ° ' "
Date Y M D
UT h m s

Observer 2

Long ° ' "
Lat ° ' "

Observed feature
Altitude ° Azimuth °
---- or ----
RA h m s
Decl ° ' "
(same date/UT as for
observer 1 assumed)

Position of common feature:
altitude (km)
above long lat
Accuracy (km)