How to compute rise/set times and altitude above horizon
By Paul Schlyter, Stockholm, Sweden
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Break out of a frame
How to compute planetary positions
Tutorial with numerical test cases
1. Computing the Sun's altitude above the horizon
First we compute the Sun's RA and Decl for this moment, as outlined
earlier. Now we need to know our Local
Sidereal Time. We start by computing the sidereal time at Greenwich
at 00:00 Universal Time, let's call this quantity GMST0:
GMST0 = L + 180
L is the Sun's mean longitude, which we compute as:
L = M + w
Note that we express GMST in degrees here to simplify the
computations. 360 degrees of course corresponds to 24 hours, i.e.
each hour corresponds to 15 degrees.
Now we can compute our Local Sidereal Time (LST):
LST = GMST0 + UT*15.0 + long
UT is the Universal Time, expressed in hours+decimals, the remaining
quantities are expressed in degrees. To convert UT to degrees we
must multiply it by 15 above. long is our local longitude in
degrees, where east longitude counts as positive, and west longitude
as negative. (this is according to the geographic standard, and
the recent astronomical standard; if you prefer to use the older
astronomical standard where west longitude counts as positive, then
you must change the '+' in front of 'long' to a '-' above).
Next let's compute the Sun's Local Hour Angle (LHA), i.e. the angle
the Earth has turned since the Sun last was in the south:
A negative hour angle means the Sun hasn't been in the south yet, this
day. The angle -10 degrees is of course the same as 350 degrees,
i.e. adding or subtracting even multiples of 360 degrees does not
change the angle.
We also need to know our latitude (lat), where north latitude
counts as poisitive and south latitude as negative. Now we
can compute the Sun's altitude above the horizon:
sin(h) = sin(lat) * sin(Decl) + cos(lat) * cos(Decl) * cos(LHA)
We compute sin(h), and then take the arcsine of this to get h, the
Sun's altitude above the horizon.
2. Computing the Sun's rise/set times.
This is really the inverse of the previous problem, where we computed
the Sun's altitude at a specific moment. Now we want to know at which
moment the Sun reaches a specific altitude.
First we must decide which altitude we're interested in:
h = 0 degrees: Center of Sun's disk touches a mathematical horizon
h = -0.25 degrees: Sun's upper limb touches a mathematical horizon
h = -0.583 degrees: Center of Sun's disk touches the horizon;
atmospheric refraction accounted for
h = -0.833 degrees: Sun's upper limb touches the horizon;
atmospheric refraction accounted for
h = -6 degrees: Civil twilight (one can no longer read outside without artificial illumination)
h = -12 degrees: Nautical twilight (navigation using a sea horizon no longer possible)
h = -15 degrees: Amateur astronomical twilight (the sky is dark enough for most astronomical observations)
h = -18 degrees: Astronomical twilight (the sky is completely dark)
As you can see, there are several altitides to choose among. In most
countries an altitude of -0.833 degrees is used to compute
sunrise/set times (Sun's upper limb touches the horizon; atmospheric
refraction accounted for). One exception is the Swedish national
alamancs, which use -0.583 degrees (Center of Sun's disk touches the
horizon; atmospheric refraction accounted for) - however my own
Swedish almanac Stjärnhimlen ("The
Starry Sky") uses the international convention of -0.833
When we've decided on some value for the altitude above the horizon,
we start by computing the Sun's RA at noon local time. When the
Local Sidereal Time equals the Sun's RA, then the Sun is in the
which yields:
GMST0 + UT*15.0 + long = RA
Since we know GMST, long, and RA, it's now a simple matter to compute
UT (GMST0 should also be computed at noon local time):
UT_Sun_in_south = ( RA - GMST0 - long ) / 15.0
Now we're going to compute the Sun's Local Hour Angle (LHA) at
rise/set (or at twilight, if we've decided to compute the time of
twilight). This is the angle the Earth must turn from sunrise to
noon, or from noon to sunset:
sin(h) - sin(lat)*sin(Decl)
cos(LHA) = -----------------------------
cos(lat) * cos(Decl)
If cos(LHA) is less than -1.0, then the Sun is always above our
altitude limit. If we were computing rise/set times, the Sun is then
aboute the horizon continuously; we have Midnight Sun. Or, if we
computed a twilight, then the sky never gets dark (a good example is
Stockholm, Sweden, at midsummer midnight: the Sun then only reaches
about 7 degrees below the horizon: there will be civil twilight, but
never nautical or astronomical twilight, at midsummer in
If cos(LHA) is greater than +1.0, then the Sun is always below our
altitude limit. One example is midwinter in the arctics, when the
Sun never gets above the horizon.
If cos(LHA) is between +1.0 and -1.0, then we take the arccos to
find LHA. Convert from degrees to hours by dividing by 15.0
Now, if we add LHA to UT_Sun_in_south, we get the time of sunset.
If we subtract LHA from UT_Sun_in_south, we get the time of sunrise.
Finally, we convert UT to our local time.
3. Higher accuracy: iteration
The method outlined above only gives an approximate value of the Sun's
rise/set times. The error rarely exceeds one or two minutes, but at
high latitudes, when the Midnight Sun soon will start or just has ended,
the errors may be much larger. If you want higher accuracy, you must
then iterate, and you must do a separate iteration for sunrise and sunset:
a) Compute sunrise or sunset as above, with one exception: to convert
LHA from degrees to hours, divide by 15.04107 instead of 15.0 (this
accounts for the difference between the solar day and the sidereal
day. You should only use 15.04107 if you intend to iterate;
if you don't want to iterate, use 15.0 as before since that will
give an approximate correction for the Earth's orbital motion
during the day).
b) Re-do the computation but compute the Sun's RA and Decl, and also
GMST0, for the moment of sunrise or sunset last computed.
c) Iterate b) until the computed sunrise or sunset no longer
changes significantly. Usually 2 iterations are enough, in rare
cases 3 or 4 iterations may be needed.
d) Make sure you iterate towards the sunrise or sunset you want to
compute, and not a sunrise or sunset one day earlier or later.
If the computed rise or set time is, say, -0.5 hours local time,
this means that it really happens at 23:30 the day before.
If you get a value exceeding 24 hours local time, it means it happens
the day after. If this is what you want, fine, otherwise add
or subtract 24 hours. This only becomes a problem when there soon
will be, or just has been, Midnight Sun.
e) Above the arctic circle, there are occasionally two sunrises, or
two sunsets, during the same calendar day. Also there are days when
the Sun only sets, or only rises, or neither rises nor sets. Pay
attention to this if you don't want to miss any sunrise or sunset in
your computations.
f) If you compute twilight instead of rise/set times, e) applies to
the "twilight arctic circle". The normal arctic circle is
situated at 66.7 deg latitude N and S (65.9 deg if one accounts
for atmospheric refraction and the size of the solar disk).
The "twilight arctic circle" is situated 6, 12, 15 or 18 deg
closer to the equator, i.e. at latitude 60.7, 54.7, 51.7 or 48.7
degrees, depending on which twilight you're computing.
4. Computing the Moon's rise/set times.
This is really done the same way as the Sun's rise/set times, the
only difference being that you should compute the RA and Decl for the
Moon and not for the Sun. However, the Moon moves quickly and its
rise/set times may change one or even two hours from one day to the
next. If you don't iterate the Moon's rise/set times, you may get
results which are in error by up to an hour, or more.
Another thing to consider is the lunar parallax, which affects the
Moon's rise/set time by several minutes or more. One way to deal
with the lunar parallax is to always use the Moon's topocentric
RA and Decl. Another, simpler, way is to use the Moon's geocentric
RA and Decl and instead adjust h, the rise/set altitude, by decreasing
it by m_par, the lunar parallax. If you want to compute rise/set
times for the Moon's upper limb rather than the center of the Moon's
disk, you also need to compute m_sd, the semi-diameter or apparent
radius of the Moon's disk in the sky. Note that the Moon's upper limb
may for some lunar phases and circumstances be on the dark part of the
Moon's disk
Thus you choose your h for Moon rise/set computation like this:
h = -m_par: Center of Moon's disk touches a mathematical horizon
h = -(m_par+m_sd): Moon's upper limb touches a mathematical horizon
h = -0.583 degrees - m_par: Center of Moon's disk touches the horizon;
atmospheric refraction accounted for
h = -0.583 degrees - (m_par+m_sd): Moon's upper limb touches the horizon;
atmospheric refraction accounted for
Yet another thing to consider: the Sun is always in the south near 12:00
local time, but the Moon may be in the south at any time of the day
(or night). This means you must pay more attention that you're
really iterating towards the rise or set time you want, and not some
rise/set time one day earlier, or later.
Since the Moon rises and sets on the average 50 minutes later each
day, there usually will be one day each month when the Moon never
rises, and another day when it never sets. You must have this in
mind when iterating your rise/set times, otherwise your program
may easily get caught into an infinite loop when it tries to force
e.g. a rise time between 00:00 and 24:00 local time on a day when
the Moon never rises.
At high latitudes the Moon occasionally rises, or sets, twice on a
single calendar day. This may happen above the "lunar arctic
circle", which moves between 61.5 and 71.9 deg latitude during the
18-year period of the motion of the lunar nodes. You may want to pay
attention to this.
Yes, computing the Moon's rise/set times is unfortunately messy, much
due to its quick orbital motion around the Earth.
5. Computing rise/set times for other celestial bodies.
This is done the same way as for the Sun, with some differences:
a) Compute the RA and Decl for that body instead of for the Sun. If
the body is a star, get its RA and Decl from a suitable star catalog.
b) GMST0 is still needed, so you should compute the Sun's mean longitude.
c) Always use 15.04107 instead of 15.0 when converting LHA from
degrees to hours.
Since the planets move much slower than the Moon, and the stars
hardly move at all, one need not iterate. If one wants high
accuracy, one may find it worthwhile to iterate the rise/set times
for Mercury, Venus and Mars (these are the planets that move most